Development of Digital Teaching Materials for Introduction to Administration and Management Science Based on Case Studies
development, digital teaching materials, case studyAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of developing digital teaching materials for Introduction to Administrative and Management Science based on Case Study and student responses to the development of digital teaching materials for Introduction to Administrative and Management Science based on Case Study. The development of digital textbooks for Introduction to Administrative and Management Science based on case study was developed using the 4-D development model by Thiagarajan, which includes four stages, namely the definition, design, development, and dissemination stages. However, this dissemination stage was not carried out because this study did not measure the effectiveness of the product or student learning outcomes. The feasibility of the developed textbook was determined based on an assessment by material, language, and graphic validation experts. From the overall assessment of the validation experts, the average result of the textbook's feasibility was 87.33% with a very feasible category. Based on this percentage, it can be stated that the digital textbook for Introduction to Administrative and Management Science based on case study is feasible to be used in the teaching and learning process of the Introduction to Administrative and Management Science course. Student responses were carried out with a limited trial on 20 students of the Office Administration Education Study Program. The student response sheet consists of 6 components of eligibility, namely the format, relevance, attention, satisfaction, understanding of the material, and confidence in learning outcomes, where the overall assessment of students obtained an average eligibility result of 86.66% which can be interpreted that the digital textbook Introduction to Administrative Science and Management based on case studies is feasible and interesting to use in the learning process of the Introduction to Administrative Science and Management course.
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