Machine Learning, Software, Applications, and Websites For Language Instruction
Machine Learning, Software, Applications, Websites, Language LearningAbstract
This study aims to examine the latest developments in the application of machine learning, software, applications, and websites in language teaching. With the advancement of technology, language learning is increasingly facilitated by the use of digital tools that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to improve the learning experience in an adaptive and interactive manner. The study reviewed a variety of platforms that use this technology, including key features that support personalization, automated feedback, and student performance assessments. In addition, this study discusses the effectiveness of the technology in supporting independent and formal learning in the classroom, including implementation challenges in various educational settings. It was found that although this technology provides a great opportunity in accelerating language learning, there are some limitations, such as limited access in regions with low digital infrastructure, as well as lack of integration with relevant cultural and social contexts in language learning. This study concludes that machine learning-based technology in language teaching has great potential, but further research is needed to optimize its application in various educational contexts.
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